Direct School Admission (DSA)
DSA Exercise 2024
(For Secondary One Intake in 2025)
A. Distinctive Programmes
Peirce Secondary School is providing experiences with the focus on:
I. Developing Community Leaders with the Heart to Serve

We seek students who can contribute to our Learning for Life Programme
(LLP) in Community Leadership, especially those who can or with the potential
and wish to lead student groups and school initiatives to benefit the community.
Successful candidates will have the opportunity to hone their character
and leadership skills while making a valuable contribution to our school
community, and beyond through various exciting experiences.
Qualifying Criteria
1. Leadership
• Gained leadership experience in primary school through roles such as
class monitor, prefect/student leader, CCA leader, or similar positions.
UG leaders will be expected to join Uniformed Groups upon admission.
• Demonstrated passion in contributing to the school or the community
2. Physical Fitness
• Is medically fit to participate in PE programme and outdoor activities.
3. Character
• A disciplined and confident student with a conduct grade of at least
‘Very Good’ in his/her Primary 5 and Primary 6 school reports.
II. Deepening Reflection and Developing Critical Thinking Through Media
Our Applied Learning Programme (ALP) fosters media literacy and cultivates
student agency within our Peircean community. By seamlessly integrating
media skills into diverse subjects, ALP allows students to delve into subject
knowledge, sharpen critical thinking, and connect their learning to real-world
challenges. This culminates in sharing of disciplinary insights for the
growth of the school population.
ALP also empowers students who demonstrate greater interest and passion
for media and communication. Apart from curricular learning, students also
hone their skills through leadership and co-curricular activities, where
projects of greater merit are showcased on schoolwide and external platforms,
enabling students to become advocates for positive change. Through these
experiences, students develop confidence, strengthen media and communication
skills and learn to use media skills for the betterment of the community.
Qualifying Criteria
We are looking for enthusiastic P6 students who:
1. possess experience and accomplishments in communication (including
media). Examples include public speaking and online media publications.
2. demonstrate interest in current affairs, both local and global.
B. Application Procedures
Below are some information on the centralised application process.
1. You may submit your application through the online DSA-Sec Portal from 7 May 2024, 11am to 3 June 2024, 3pm. For
more details, please refer to MOE website: DSA-Sec
2. It is free-of-charge.
3. Accessing the DSA Portal:
i. Applicants studying in MOE mainstream primary schools: Only one parent’s
SingPass is needed to log in. If parent/ guardian is unable to apply online,
they can approach the child’s primary school for assistance.
ii. Applicants not studying in MOE mainstream primary schools: They need
to apply for a Registration Number (RGxxxxxxx) to access the DSA-Sec Portal.
Please visit the MOE website at: DSA-Sec Apply for details.
4. Choices
Students can indicate up to three choices (maximum of two choices for
the same school under two different talent areas). In choosing DSA schools,
parents and students are encouraged to choose schools wisely based on the
student’s aptitudes and strengths, bearing in mind the school’s academic
and non-academic requirements, and the programmes available to develop
the area of talent.
C. Selection Details
1. The school will contact short-listed candidates by Friday 5 July 2024.
2. Short-listed candidates will attend an interview and a selection trial on Friday 19 July 2024, at 3.30 p.m.
3. All short-listed candidates will be informed of the result of their application (confirmation of DSA offer / placement on DSA waiting list / unsuccessful application) via email by Friday 28 August 2024.
4. Do note that meeting all the criteria does not guarantee the student will be shortlisted or given an offer.
5. Students who are successfully admitted to the school via DSA are expected to honour their commitment to the school and participate in the activities related to the talent they are selected for from year 1-4.