National Cadet Corps (NCC)
Peirce NCC (Land) aims to nurture inspiring leaders and committed citizens through fun, adventurous and military-related activities. Our goal is to provide the cadets with a platform to develop holistically:
physically through regular physical trainings and games
mentally through camps and foot drills
learning the importance of having EQ (Emotional Quotient) through interaction with fellow cadets and officers.
Our Vision
Extraordinary Youth Leaders
NCC Mission
To nurture inspiring leaders and committed citizens through fun, adventurous
and military-related activities.
The NCC Pledge
We, the members of the National Cadet Corps,
And youth of the Republic of Singapore,
Do hereby pledge,
To be loyal to the Republic and the Corps
And to maintain a high standard of discipline and performances
So that we may better serve our country.
Our Core Values
The unit works in line with the mission and vision of HQ NCC and hope
to develop the 8 core values within our cadets:
Loyalty to country
Care for fellow cadets
Commitment and responsibility
Adventurous spirit
Our Learning Outcomes
consider others' interest before self
take charge, lead by example and be a role model to inspire and motivate others to fulfil their fullest potential
think of the consequences before acting and accept responsibility for their actions
exercise discernment and show responsible obedience to orders & assigned tasks
ensure physical safety, emotional & mental wellness and have respect for one another
take charge and be accountable for every decision that they make, even when the situation is challenging
curious and be willing to learn, explore & experience
be safety advocates in their respective area of work and must always look out for one another
NCC Key Thrusts
Key thrusts are essential ideas that guides the unit’s NCC activities:
Commitment to Singapore
NCC Cadet Strong Framework
An NCC cadet is “Cadet Strong”, with a resilient mind, fit body and committed
heart, and is a self-motivated leader.
A cadet with a resilient mind is confident to take on challenges and overcome setbacks.
Every cadet understands the importance of a fit body, takes ownership to maintain a good level of physical fitness and adopt healthy eating habits.
Each cadet who has a committed heart lives by the NCC Core Values with a strong sense of purpose to serve the cadet’s team, school and nation.
Event Highlights
CCA Open House
Junior Cadet (Sec 1) Affirmation Ceremony
NCC Day Observance Ceremony
National Day Observance Ceremony Parade
Remembrance Day
Annual Training Camp: Camp FORGE, Camp STEEL, Combined UG Camp
Leadership Course: Senior Specialist Leaders Course
Shooting Skill: Air Rifle, SAR 21 Technical Handling, Individual Marksman Trainer, 100M Live Firing
Inter-Unit Sports Championship: Captain’s Ball, Ultimate Frisbee and Soccer
Competition: Orienteering, Laser Run, Precision Drill Squad (PDS), Canoe Marathon, Mini-Kayaking Expedition
Enrichment Course: PDS (basic & advanced), FSD, CPR-AED, Cybercrime Prevention Programme, NE Learning Journey, 1-Star Kayaking Personal Skills Course,
Total Defence Badge (Bronze, Silver, Gold)
Outstanding Cadet Award
Our Achievements
Unit Recognition Award:
Accomplishment: 2016, 2017, 2021, 2022
Distinction: 2018, 2019, 2023
Precision Drill Squad Competition
Central Division Champion 2014
CPT (NCC) Kok Heong TAN ([email protected])
MAJ (NCC) Retnam Thekkamalai ([email protected])
Mr TAN Jie Heng Alfred ([email protected])
CCA training day and time
Mondays: 3:30 to 6:00 pm (regular training)
Thursdays: 3.30 to 6.00 pm (twice monthly PDS training)