Triace Scout Group
Learning Outcomes
To build character and leadership, developing individuals who are self-reliant, supportive, responsible and committed.
To develop individuals for purposeful and responsible adulthood.
To develop individuals who act through the Scout Promise and Law.
To develop self-fulfilled individuals who play a constructive role in society, with a strong sense of duty to the country and to helping other people.
To empower Scouts to be self-directed in picking up scouting skills anytime, anywhere using ICT.
Key Events
CCA Open House
Scout Founder’s Day parade and event
Award and Speech Day Parade
Patrol Leader Training Camp (PLTC)
National Patrol Camp (Competition)
South Area Sports Day (Competition)
South Area Cooking Competition (Competition)
Enrichment: Total Defence Badge, First Aid Course, Kindness Badge, Kayaking 1-Star course
Individual proficiency badges pursuit
Fundraising: Scouts’ Job Week and Donation Draw Ticket
Kayaking Proficiency Personal Skill 1-Star Course
Annual Training Camp
Frank Cooper Sands Award since 2015
Mr Kan Cheng Mun ([email protected])
Mr P Sivapathasundaram ([email protected])
Mdm Joscelyn Lee ([email protected])
CCA Training Days and Time
Monday: 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.