Humanities Department
1. Department Teachers
Name | Email Address |
Ms Khairiah Bte Hairoman (HOD Humanities) | |
Mdm Chew Li Ling Stephanie (Year Head) | |
Mr Ng Chenyee (SH Geography & Social Studies) | |
Mr Kwan Qi Xiang (Assistant Year Head) | |
Miss Galkisage Amanda P Fernando | |
Miss Nettie Tan | |
Mrs Irene Stevens-Ong Ching Ling | |
Mdm Kavitha D/O Supramaniam | |
Miss Tan Wei Nah | |
Mrs Chung-Gay Mee Choo | |
Ms Adelia Ng Meiyu | |
Ms Jasmine Yap Qianyi |
2. Department Programmes
Department Signature Programmes:
Historical Investigations (HI), Geographical Investigations (GI) and Issues Investigation (II)
Objectives of the Programme:
Historical Investigations (HI), Geographical Investigations (GI) and Issues Investigation (II) employ inquiry as a pedagogical tool where students work in groups to investigate historical, geographical and societal issues. Students examine and understand the HI, GI and II question, gather, select, and examine sources, construct their responses as well as communicate their findings. The programme helps students to be exposed to real world context in the learning of Humanities, and allows them to develop their interpersonal skills and teamwork.
Implementation Process:
The investigation goes through the inquiry process and it starts with the students answering a series of guiding historical, geographical or societal questions. This is followed by gathering of data. For this purpose, learning journeys are organised for the lower secondary students to National Museum, Changi Chapel Museum, Bishan Park and Bishan North Community and for the upper secondary students to East Coast Park and Chinatown**.** The department also brings in community stakeholders such as the Migrant Workers Association to give talks to the students as part of their data collection. After gathering data, students will return to the classroom to interpret and evaluate their data, and construct explanations to answer their guiding questions. Finally the inquiry process closes with each group presenting their findings and conclusions to the rest of the class. Students also reflect on the entire process to consolidate their learning.
Benefits to Students:
The inquiry projects give students opportunities to appreciate the real world application of historical, geographical and societal knowledge and skills as well as help them acquire 21CC skills. Given that lower secondary students are new to the study of History and Geography, and Secondary 3 students are new to Social Studies, the projects follow a guided inquiry approach. Teachers will provide guidance to enable students to learn about the inquiry process and be familiar with the expectations of their performance.
Humanities Inquiry Approach
The department adopts an Inquiry Based Approach (see Figure 1) in the teaching of all its Humanities subjects.
There are four pedagogical elements that underlie the approach which will require learning to be Question-Driven and Evidence-Based, and involves Reflection and Knowledge Construction. These elements are further exemplified through students’ learning as they undergo the four stages of the inquiry process, which are Sparking Curiosity, Gathering Data, Exercising Reasoning and Reflective Thinking. Having a good understanding of these elements, the different stages of inquiry and strategies that facilitate these elements in a lesson will help teachers design meaningful inquiry lessons for Humanities. Our students go through this process in their Humanities lessons to make them critical, inquisitive and curious individuals with the ability to make sound judgements through reasoning, reflection and analysis.
3. Photo Gallery