PE and Aesthetics
1. Department Teachers
Name | Email Address |
Mdm Foong Sau Wan (HOD CCA & PE) | [email protected] |
Mrs Jasmine Yau-Low Ngiap Lee | [email protected] |
Mr Chia Teck Hong | [email protected] |
Mr P Sivapathasundaram | [email protected] |
Vision Happy and Healthy Peirceans**
Mission Peirceans will acquire a variety of movement skills and health-related knowledge in a safe and collaborative setting so that they can play a range of games and keep themselves active and healthy.
Goals of PE programme:
- Goal 1: Acquire a range of movement skills to participate in a variety of physical activities.
- Goal 2: Understand and apply movement concepts, principles and strategies in a range of physical activities.
- Goal 3: Demonstrate safe practices during physical and daily activities with respect to themselves, others and the environment.
- Goal 4: Display positive personal and social behaviour across different experiences.
- Goal 5: Acquire and maintain health-enhancing fitness through regular participation in physical activities.
- Goal 6: Enjoy and value the benefits of living a physically active and healthy life.
2. Department Programmes
a) Annual Cross Country (suspended during the COVID pandemic)
– To encourage Peirceans to jog and walk as a form of healthy lifestyle.
– To provide a platform for all Peirceans, including staff and interested parents to foster strong relationships.
This is the first mass sporting event of the year and is usually held on the last Friday of Term 1. Not only are all students and staff involved in this event, either as runners or helpers, there is also the Parents’ Race. Besides encouraging Peirceans to jog regularly, this event is also a good platform for bonding amongst students, teachers and parents. This event takes place at Bishan Park.
b) Biennial Sports Carnival
– To encourage Peirceans to participate in games and sport.
– To provide a platform for all Peirceans, including staff and interested parents to foster strong relationships.
c) Sec 1 & 3 Outdoor Adventure Camp
– To enhance the personal and social development of students through an experiential outdoor adventure.
– To promote camaraderie and school spirit.
As part of the Outdoor Education unit of the PE curriculum, level outdoor adventure camps are organised for Sec. 1 and 3 students. For the Sec. 1 cohort, this is usually held in an adventure-based campsite to provide a more authentic setting for the 3-day camp. To ensure safety and a quality programme, qualified external instructors and form teachers are engaged to conduct the activities and facilitate learning. The camp programme includes high elements and a water activity besides teambuilding activities. For the Sec. 3 cohort, the school will make a booking for an MOE-Outward Bound Singapore Challenge Programme whereby students get to experience a more vigorous outdoor adventure programme with students from other schools.
d) Health & Fitness Week
– To promote the importance of healthy lifestyle.
Conducted in the last week of term 3, the Health & Fitness (H&F) Week aims to celebrate and remind Peirceans the importance of healthy living. During this period, the PE department and a team of student leaders organize activities to engage Peirceans in body and mind. Some of the activities include inter class games, inter CCA challenges, health quiz, Staff versus Students 1-minute challenge and Learn @ Peirce modules. Learn @ Peirce are short exposure physical activities conducted by external instructors, examples of such courses are inline skating, muay thai, k-pop dance and archery. The H & F Week culminates in the All Children Exercising Simultaneously (ACES) Day workout. On ACES Day, Peirceans will be reminded the importance of eating fruits and drinking water. Everyone brings a fruit and eat together before the workout.