Full SBB @ Peirce
Peirce Secondary School is one of 30+ secondary schools which will implement Full Subject-Based Banding (Full SBB) from 2023.
Allowing students to study more subjects at different levels to suit their interests, aptitude and needs, Full SBB nurtures in students the joy of learning and caters to the different strengths and interests of our students.
Peirceans have been taking out-of-stream subjects since 2018. For example, some students in Normal Technical Stream take English, Mother Tongue Languages, Mathematics and Science at Normal Academic level. Others in Normal Academic Stream take Express level English, Mother Tongue Languages, Mathematics and Science.
From 2023, we will offer Sec 2NA students who meet the criteria the opportunity to read History and Geography at Express level.
Another aspect of Full SBB is mixed form classes. Since 2020, Peirce has mixed NT and NA classes in the proportion of 1:3 in 2 classes per level. In 2023, we will mix Normal Academic students with Express students. The former group will consist of students who are eligible to take subjects at Express level.
The school is excited about the new learnings and opportunities that will come with the full implementation of SBB.
For more information on how our school will be implementing Full SBB, you can contact us at [email protected].